The Liberal Nationals have requested Parliament returns to ensure the more than 310,000 Victorians who have once again been locked down are given the answers they need as to government failures leading to the second wave of the coronavirus.
The Department of Health and Human Services has admitted that the second wave of coronavirus spreading across Melbourne suburbs is largely made up of cases linked to the bungled hotel quarantine however have stonewalled questions to media over its failings.
Both Andrews and his Health Minister Jenny Mikakos would not answer any questions around the bungled hotel quarantine fiasco. Both have hidden behind a $3 million taxpayer funded inquiry which under its Terms of Reference falls short of being able to call on Ministers and could be carried out without public hearings.
Both the Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council have written to the Speaker and the President of the Council requesting Parliament returns so the Andrews Labor Government can face the scrutiny that is expected of a government.
Comments attributable to the Leader of the Opposition, Michael O’Brien:
“Because of Andrews’ incompetence, more than 310,000 Victorians are now back to square one facing strict lockdowns again. These people are owed answers as to how the Andrews Labor Government got hotel quarantine so wrong resulting in Victoria’s second wave of lockdowns.
“No other state has had these problems. Daniel Andrews and his Health Minister Jenny Mikakos need to take responsibility for their bad decisions and provide Victorians with the answers they deserve.
“With Terms of Reference that don’t include the role of Government Ministers, Labor’s inquiry looks more like a cover up. That is why Parliament needs to be recalled immediately.”
Comments attributable to the Leader of the Opposition in the Upper House, David Davis:
“There is no indication that this inquiry has any power to compel people to attend, including Andrews Government Ministers.
“Victorians pay their politicians to serve them, and with Parliament not scheduled to sit for another 7 weeks, we think it is only fair that Parliament is called back so the Andrews Labor Government faces the music for its stuff up.”