
More than $200 million down the toilet in Labor’s failed Ice Action Plan

Hundreds of millions of dollars poured into the Andrews Government’s Ice Action Plan has failed to put a dent in Victoria’s drugs crisis.

Drug addiction is ruining lives and livelihoods of more and more Victorians every day.

Reports today reveal Ice addiction is killing at least two Geelong residents every week, with data showing local residents are nearly three times as likely to die from illicit drugs than the state average.

It was also recently revealed Victorian methamphetamine users are spending a combined average of $4 million a day to feed their addiction.

The Andrews Labor Government’s impotent response has done nothing to curb this shocking trend.

The Andrews Labor Government’s more than $200 million Ice Action Plan has been shown to be wasted money that’s given no return, with figures showing more people are seeking treatment but fewer people are able to access rehab.

The severely under-resourced system is forced to turn away people seeking help, with waitlists having blown out to more than 12 months to access treatment.

In Melbourne, Labor’s drug injecting room has had horrifying impacts on children at the primary school which is located next door, as well as resulting in more ambulance callouts.

The Police Association have reported a significant increase in drug-related activity in the area.

Labor’s failed response has left a trail of devastation, only leading to an increase in drug dependency.

Labor’s Ice Plan is destroying lives, tearing apart families and impacting the safety of our communities.

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