
Paltry funds no confidence boost for small business

Daniel Andrews’ snap five-day lockdown smashed small business confidence in Victoria.

The paltry financial support announced today doesn’t go close to making up for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock some businesses were forced to throw out as a result of the enforced closure.

The Andrews Labor Government has made an art form out of major cost blow outs, so why do they suddenly become Scrooge when it comes to backing small business?

Pubs, restaurants and cafes across the state had no choice but to throw out tens of thousands of dollars of perishables as a result of the five day lockdown, while community sports clubs are also shouldering huge costs after cancelling last weekend’s events at the eleventh hour.

The Premier’s policy of forcing lockdown on Victorians with no notice means business owners are waking up every day with no confidence they’ll still be open by the end of the day.

More months of uncertainty will be the final nail in the coffin for many businesses in the tourism, events and hospitality sector unless the Andrews Labor Government changes its approach to snap lockdowns.

New South Wales has managed to get on top of outbreaks with good contact tracing, while also keeping the state open for business.

But in Victoria, Daniel Andrews is killing confidence in the events and hospitality industry.

What’s worse is he’s seeking a nine month extension to the State of Emergency that gives him the power to enforce more snap lockdowns that are destroying Victorians lives and livelihoods.

Small business is the beating heart of jobs in this state but it’s on life support and the Andrews Labor Government is failing to put up the funds needed to revive it.

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