
State Government must act to ensure vulnerable Victorians are not left out in the cold

News today that over 1,000 vulnerable Victorians could face disconnection from their power supply should spark the state’s Energy Minister into action.

A cold winter has arrived early in Victoria, and with people forced to stay at home due to restrictive COVID-19 directions, the last thing people need is to have their power cut off.

In a statement released exactly one month ago, the Minister assured Victorians that their lights and heating would stay on “thanks to reforms put in place by the Victorian Government.”

The Essential Services Commission Chair, Kate Symons, reported yesterday that more than 1,000 “newly-vulnerable” Victorians face disconnection. Victorians would rightly wonder, particularly with the government’s assurances dated on 1 April, whether the Minister is taking this issue seriously.

Empty words won’t help those who are stuck at home when the mercury drops and the lights go out.

Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Energy and Renewables, Ryan Smith:

“Vulnerable Victorians shouldn’t be left shivering in their homes because the Andrews Labor Government hasn’t done enough to ensure their heating is kept on.

“Words from Andrews and his Minister just aren’t enough for those who are already doing it tough. 

“Labor’s Energy Minister needs to step up and demand that retailers do the right thing by those who are struggling in these difficult times.”

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