The decision by Daniel Andrews to dump Health Minister Jenny Mikakos from key quarantine responsibilities has created more chaos for a government battling a second wave in Victoria.
The consequences of the hotel quarantine failure and the resultant second wave have been disastrous for Victorians.
Lives have been lost, there has been a deterioration in community mental health, small businesses have been lost, jobs lost, Victorians are in lockdown, and Melburnians are under curfew.
Removing Minister Mikakos from some quarantine and isolation responsibilities and replacing her with the former Health Minister is like shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic.
This week’s PAEC hearings have showed Victorians when it came to hotel quarantine in Victoria, there was no Minister in charge. These changes today by the Premier make it an even more jumbled chain of command.
Victorians deserve the truth, they want the Andrews Labor Government to be transparent and they want confidence that the COVID crisis in Victoria is under control.