The corruption mire engulfing the Andrews Labor Government has turned to farce with news that the Premier’s ‘Captain’s pick’ to replace disgraced Labor Minister Adem Somyurek is ineligible to be appointed.
Victoria’s Constitution requires that no more than 17 Ministers sit in the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament.
With Upper House MP Somyurek resigning, Daniel Andrews chose Lower House MP Danny Pearson to replace him.
In a shambolic turn of events, the Premier never bothered to check if this appointment would breach the Constitution.
Tip: It does.
Now some second choice Upper House Labor MP will get a consolation prize of a Ministry and a massive pay increase all because Daniel Andrews’ arrogance is only matched by his incompetence.
It will be the second reshuffle in two months, following resignation of Gavin Jennings.
Victorians have been ripped off by this Labor Government’s culture of corruption and now they have been let down by this Premier’s blind panic.