More than 5 million Melbournians are to be restricted to moving no further than 25km from their home for certain reasons from midnight tomorrow according to secret Andrews Labor Government health advice.
Asked in the Upper House today to release the advice behind Labor’s 25km restriction, Leader of the Government Jaclyn Symes, refused to do so.
Why can’t Victorians see the advice that is locking them down? What possible reason is there for keeping it secret?
There is either solid science behind Labor’s restrictions, science it refuses to share with the public, or there isn’t.
Jaclyn Symes admitted she had been briefed on the restrictions and admitted she had been briefed on the 25km radius but refused to release the information. So much for transparency and openness.
Victorians deserve an open and transparent government. It’s clear the Andrews Labor Government is making decisions on the run and has no plan for Victorians.