
Backing calls for national approach to COVID testing for freight workers

Today, the Victorian Liberal Nationals are calling for a uniform set of rules for the freight industry so essential products can get to consumers and businesses sooner.

After 18 months – each state still has its own set of rules which fail to recognise test results from other states – forcing freight workers to have multiple invasive tests within days of each other.

All testing laboratories are nationally accredited and it makes no sense that individual states are not recognising these results.

Rapid testing is another obvious solution for the sector – but the Victorian Government still refuses to add it to the COVID tool-kit.

To date, calls from border communities have fallen on deaf ears and Daniel Andrews must now act to support freight workers and get essential supplies moving across state borders.  

Daniel Andrews has no plan to get freight moving safely and effectively – meaning more delays and cost blow-outs for Victorian consumers and business.

Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Ports and Freight, Roma Britnell:

“It’s time for Labor to act and work towards a set of uniform rules and testing requirements for the vitally important freight industry.

“For the past 18 months Melissa Horne has been silent on the challenges the freight industry has faced while making sure the goods Australians need are available when and where they are needed.

“Daniel Andrews has no plan to get our freight moving safely and effectively, only a plan for more lockdowns and inconsistent rules.”  

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