Mr M. O’BRIEN (Malvern) — (Question 7671) My question is to the Minister for Police. Recent Crime Statistics Agency data records that my Malvern electorate has suffered a 10 per cent increase in offences in the last 12 months. This includes a number of aggravated burglaries in which armed offenders have attacked families in their homes in the dead of night. In the last 48 hours two violent carjackings in Malvern and Malvern East have heightened community concerns about rising crime.
In this environment my constituents are worried that the Malvern police station, which currently operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, will have its hours cut under Labor and be closed when the community needs it open. Today the police association secretary, Ron Iddles, told 3AW that there have been night-time closures at the Malvern police station in the last six weeks. So I ask: will the Minister for Police rule out any cuts to the opening hours of Malvern police station and guarantee it will remain open 24 hours a day to protect the people of my electorate?