
Family violence offences surge to record high

Victorian family violence-related offences have surged to their highest levels ever.

The Andrews Labor Government’s ongoing COVID lockdowns and laboured response to implementing critical family violence reform continues to exacerbate the state’s family violence crisis.

Independent data released today by the Crime Statistics Agency shows Victoria recorded 92,999 family incidents in the 12 months to March 31 this year – the highest number on record.

Offences increased 11.3 per cent from the previous year. This represents 31 additional offences every single day of the year.

Victoria also recorded its highest number of family violence-related criminal incidents on record, with family violence-related offending accounting for more than one in five crimes in Victoria.

Today’s crime statistics have confirmed increases in the following offences in the year ending March 2021:

The family violence crisis has been exacerbated by a decrease in the number of police available to respond to incidents, with up to 1200 frontline police redeployed into hotel quarantine who spent longer offline than operational during this period.

Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Emma Kealy

“Labor’s lockdowns, coupled with their failure to implement all of the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence, have worsened the family violence crisis in our state to a level never seen before.”

“Despite the Commission’s final report being handed down five years ago, 61 of the 227 recommendations are still outstanding and 27 are past deadline.

“Labor has also cut funding to the Family Violence Implementation Monitor which was tasked with holding the government to account to implement the Royal Commission’s recommendations.

“The Andrews Labor Government cannot afford to wait a day longer.

“It must act on the critical reform our state needs to ensure people are protected and safe in their own home, workplace and in the community.”

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