
Hotel Quarantine Mk2 – New Management, Same Old Problems

Today at PAEC, the ongoing failure of Victoria’s hotel quarantine program under the management of Corrections Victoria has been revealed.

Despite being tasked to take over management of quarantine hotels following revelations of the systemic failures of private security contractors hired to operate these facilities, Victorians can now see things have barely improved under new management.

Under questioning today, Corrections Victoria Commissioner, Dr Emma Cassar has outlined massive staff over hiring and inefficiencies, with a total of 497 staff hired to work at these hotels, including around 100 seconded prison officers, despite international flights to Melbourne being suspended since July 2nd.

It has been confirmed that a number of staff hired have been placed on stand-by, receiving up to $2,000 per week due to the lack of work needed to be done throughout the hotel quarantine program.

It is now clear Daniel Andrews promised “reset” of his botched hotel quarantine program under Corrections Victoria has failed, with the Victorian community yet again left to pay the price.

Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Corrections, David Southwick: 

“With significant over-hiring, staff sitting at home on full pay and empty hotels, it’s clear Daniel Andrews second bite of the cherry on hotel quarantine has gone no better than his first.

“Labor’s failure to yet again get the management of these hotels right has left Victorian taxpayers footing the bill and our prisons facing staff shortages across the corrections system.

“Daniel Andrews just can’t get hotel quarantine right – his government needs to stop outsourcing community safety and bring in Victoria Police and the ADF immediately.”

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