Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Health, Georgie Crozier:
“Vulnerable Victorians across the state will be concerned about the risk they now face due to the incompetence and mismanagement of COVID-19 by the Andrews Labor Government.
“The extent of this crisis is growing by the day and resources will be stretched, potentially placing lives at risk.
“The potential for family violence in these stressful circumstances is very real and people will need help and support.
“It’s time for Daniel Andrews to put politics aside and take up the offer to have ADF personnel on the ground to assist with the growing COVID-19 crisis.”
Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Housing, Tim Smith:
“The Andrews Labor Government couldn’t even manage to lock people in hotel quarantine, how on earth are they going to successfully lock down nine towers?
“In these towers are some of our most disadvantaged citizens. Large families, recent migrants, elderly, and people with drug dependency. If the Andrews Labor Government gets this wrong there will be terrible consequences.
“Victoria has the lowest per capita spending on social housing of any state or territory.
“Unless the police are accompanied by translators, doctors, community leaders, and drug and alcohol counsellors, this will be another debacle, with potentially dire consequences.
“The residents in these affected towers will absolutely need support, they must be treated with respect and decency.
“The key steps from here are to make sure all tenants know what’s going on, understand why it’s happening and are given the support they need.”