Under questioning in Parliament today, Daniel Andrews refused to guarantee that Labor MPs will co-operate with a police and IBAC investigation into corruption within his Labor Party.
When Victoria Police investigated Labor MPs over the Red Shirts rorts, Daniel Andrews promised Victorians that his MPs would fully cooperate, saying in 2018:
“Everybody should cooperate and everybody will.”
In fact, Labor MPs refused to be interviewed by or co-operate with police.
It is pathetic that no charges were laid against Labor MPs involved in the Red Shirts rort.
No longer must authorities turn a blind-eye to political corruption in Victoria.
All Labor MPs and staff must fully co-operate with the investigating authorities. There can be no more excuses for covering up political corruption in this state.
Comments attributable to Leader of the Opposition, Michael O’Brien:
“The Andrews Labor Government is rotten to the core. Police and the anti-corruption commission must get to the bottom of this scandal.
“Labor MPs must co-operate with police investigating this shocking corruption scandal plaguing Andrews and his government.
“Andrews and his Labor mates have previously stymied police investigations into Labor corruption; they must not do that again.
“Any failure to fully cooperate with authorities will simply confirm that Victorian Labor is more interested in covering up corruption than exposing it.”