You may be aware that the Andrews Labor Government has recently introduced unprecedented pandemic powers legislation to the Parliament of Victoria.
This legislation, if passed, would give Premier Andrews the sole authority to make a “pandemic declaration” – even if there is no pandemic in this country (Section 165AB).
This can trigger the making of a “pandemic order” with massive power that can single people out based on characteristics such as a person’s age, gender identity, disability, political belief, marital status, pregnancy, race, sex, or sexual orientation.(Section 165AI, 165AK)
Under these proposed new laws, the Andrews Labor Government could declare a pandemic order that can be renewed for as long as the Government wants.
Even the power of the courts to hold the government accountable for detaining people under these extraordinary powers has been removed.
23 Queen’s Counsel and the President of the Victorian Bar have publicly opposed this Bill.
My position on these extraordinary new powers is clear: we should not be passing legislation that gives an untrustworthy government even more power.
As the Member for Malvern, I will be voting against Labor’s pandemic power grab.
We must not allow a political overreach that would result in increased uncertainty for Victorian families, small businesses, and the local community.
If you are similarly concerned by this unprecedented legislation, you can register your views here.