
Statement from Shadow Attorney-General, Edward O’Donohue

The revelation that Daniel Andrews’ quarantine “hot hotels”, used for COVID-19 infected health care workers, first responders and other community members, could now be the source of further COVID-19 transmission, is deeply alarming.

If COVID-19 continues to be spread through the hotel quarantine system, despite all the promises and assurances from Daniel Andrews to have fixed it, would represent a new level of unforgivable incompetence from the shambolic Andrews Labor Government.

It’s essential that this latest risk to public health and the opening up of our fractured economy is urgently investigated.

While the decision of the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry to further examine this issue is welcome, Daniel Andrews must urgently guarantee Victorians that he will ensure the “hot hotels” are safe and not the transmission source of COVID-19.

Victorians have no confidence in the Andrews Labor Government following its failures in hotel quarantine and contact tracing causing the state’s second wave of coronavirus.

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