Statement from the Shadow Attorney-General, Edward O’Donohue on the foreshadowed High Court challenge

Daniel Andrews’ hotel quarantine fiasco is the largest public policy failing in Australian history with nearly 800 Victorians dead, thousands of businesses destroyed and tens of thousands of jobs lost.

With Daniel Andrews refusing to listen to the legitimate concerns of the community about his never-ending lockdown, more and more Victorians are looking to our courts to protect their rights and freedoms.

Today’s foreshadowed High Court challenge by Mr Gerner should surprise no one and joins an ever-growing list of court actions taken against this authoritarian, arrogant government.

Mr Bret Walker SC’s decision to lead this action is significant given his success in High Court litigation over many years and should send a shiver down the spine of Daniel Andrews.

It is notable that Mr Walker’s advice to the Victorian Legislative Council about the scope and extent of its powers to call for the production of documents has been previously relied upon by many senior Labor MPs.

This latest litigation should be a wake up to all the members of the Andrews Labor Government that their punitive, we know best attitude has alienated suffering Victorians who have lost hope in this government and are sick of being lectured.

The best thing the Labor caucus could do when it meets tomorrow is to move a spill motion and give Victorians a new Premier.

Victorians have lost confidence in Daniel Andrews and his ability to govern Victoria as increasing numbers of court cases against Labor’s harsh restrictions mount up.

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