
Statement on Oakleigh Eaton Mall fatality

Reports today that a 20-year-old man was killed last night during an attack in Oakleigh’s Eaton Mall is the latest serious incident of youth violence and a timely reminder that the Andrews Labor Government must make community safety a priority in Victoria.  

This tragic incident is the third fatality linked to youth violence in a fortnight, and our thoughts are with families and friends who have lost a loved one during these times.

Last night’s fatality in Oakleigh follows the killing of 15-year-old Solomone Taufeulungaki at the Brimbank Shopping Centre and 21-year-old Machar Kot outside a CBD hotel. 

These incidents come as recently released data by the independent crime statistics agency shows youth offending has reached record levels with 21 violent youth crimes committed every day or 7,754 a year under the Andrews Labor Government.    

Daniel Andrews’ failure to address youth offending is creating the next generation of hardened criminals and continues to place the safety of the community at unacceptable risk. 

Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Police and Community Safety, David Southwick: 

“Local residents and shop owners have known about tensions in the Eaton Mall for some time and tragically have resulted in the death of a young man.

“With three fatal stabbings in a fortnight, it’s clear Daniel Andrews has dropped the ball on community safety with these shopping precincts now becoming hotspots for crime.

“Daniel Andrews must address violent youth offending in our community by boosting frontline policing and ensuring there are adequate consequences for serious offenders while also supporting young people that have lost their way.”

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