
Victoria’s justice system is broken under Daniel Andrews and Labor

Reports that an alleged offender, involved in the tragic death of young tradesman Cam Smith outside Seaford station this week, was on bail at the time of the incident, is further evidence that the Victorian bail system is broken.

This shocking crime comes off the back of the recent revelation that the alleged killer of Celeste Manno was free at the time of her murder despite being charged with breaching a court order.

Despite numerous reviews and assurances from Premier Daniel Andrews and Attorney-General Jill Hennessy, it is clear that Victoria’s bail system remains in crisis and is failing the community.

Under the Andrews Labor Government, 15 to 19 year-olds are the largest cohort of offenders of violent crime against the person.

Labor’s failure to address youth crime is a significant threat to the safety of Victorians.

The Andrews Labor government must put families and communities first and take action to reduce violent youth crime.  

Comment attributable to Shadow Attorney-General, Edward O’Donohue:

“Daniel Andrews must urgently explain what they will do to fix the bail system to ensure the Victorian community’s safety.”

Comment attributable to Shadow Minister for Police & Community Safety, David Southwick:

“This failure to address youth is the most significant threat to the safety of Victorians and the Andrews Labor government must put families and communities first and act to act to reduce violent youth crime.”

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